Photo Journal (Colorado)
Backpacking Up The North Inlet of RMNP
I'm a little late in getting this blurb up but I just recently returned from an awesome backpacking trip up the North Inlet of Rocky Mountain National Park just outside of Grand Lake. I spent a few nights up at the Pine Marten backcountry site which put me as close as one can get to the beautiful areas around Lake Nanita and Lake Nokoni...
Never Summer On Mount Richthofen!
Rocky Mountain National Park is just spectacular right now. Summer is in it's full glory but it wont be long before I start reporting on the fall color changes. Just the other morning hiking in this same general area there was frost on the grasses at sunrise...
Marigold Pond Sunrise
Some mornings I let the clouds and sky dictate where I'm going to photograph from. I'll get up to Rocky a few hours before sunrise and survey the skies and weather forecasts to try to guess where the most interesting light is going to be found...
Morning In Moraine
Good morning. I've been looking for a way to utilize my Journal pages here on my website. Previously, I was going to move my wordpress blog over here but I figured moving the blog page to my journal page would just confuse my readers...
Two Days At Lost Lake
How many of spend countless hours eyeing a topo map of a given location thinking about all the scenic wonders and photographic possibilities?. So as not to date myself, perhaps many now use Google Earth and simply scroll around trying to imagine the possibilities...