RMNP Photo Tours Waiver and Acknowledgement of Risk Document
Acknowledgment of Risk
Thomas Mangan Photography
In order to participate in activities related to photography tours by Thomas Mangan Photography. I understand and agree to the following:
- Thomas Mangan Photography Tours will take place primarily within the boundaries of Rocky Mountain National Park. I understand that Rocky Mountain National Park and the surrounding areas contains a potentially dangerous and deadly environment. This includes but is not limited to roadways, trails, waterways,exposure to heights,sunlight,weather,plants,wild animals as well as a high altitude environment. Participation in this activity will also require a moderate activity level and exertion which may result in injury or death for those unprepared for the physical activity which may be required. Activities will take place in remote areas without cell phone service or active lines of communication. Because of the difficulty of the terrain and the isolation of many of the locations, emergency service response is likely to be delayed and require additional time to assist and or evacuate injured parties. These delays may themselves cause additional complications including injuries and death. Rocky Mountain National Park is a remote and wild location, because of this other unpredictable and potentially deadly events not outlined or limited here may also occur. __________
2. I herby acknowledge that I fully understand and comprehend the inherent risks involved in participating in this activity. I understand that the risk involved may include but are not limited to serious bodily injury and death. I voluntarily of my own volition assume and take responsibility for all risks and dangers both known and unknown that may result from taking part in this activity, including errors, negligence and failures to act. I herby waive any legal claim and take full responsibility for my actions while participating in this activity. _________
3. I understand that participating in this activity requires may require physical exertion. I herby attest that I am in adequate physical condition to undertake and participate in this activity. ________
4. I acknowledge that and confirm that any questions or concerns I have about the potential dangers and risks inherent in participating in this activity have been fully and satisfactorily answered by Thomas Mangan Photography prior to signing this acknowledgement. Furthermore, I understand that any additional questions or concerns I have can be addressed by contacting the tour leader via email at [email protected] or by phone at 303-517-5325. ___________
5. I understand that the use of drugs and or alcohol is not permitted while participating in this activity. I understand that use of alcohol or drugs while participating in this activity will result in immediate termination of the activity without a refund. __________
6. I understand that the majority of participation of this activity will occur outside in wild and unpredictable, and potentially dangerous environments. I herby acknowledge to communicate with my guide potentially dangerous circumstances while participating in this activity. Furthermore, I acknowledge that I understand that because this activity takes place outside in an unpredictable environment, activities may be altered, delayed or cancelled due to circumstances beyond the tour leaders control and that it is fully within the discretion of the tour leader to alter,cancel or delay activities. _________
7. I, for myself, and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, representatives, and next of kin, HEREBY UNCONDITIONALLY AND FULLY RELEASE, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS “Thomas Mangan Photography”, its owners, associates, other participants, sponsors, advertisers, agents, assigns, heirs, and representatives, (hereinafter RELEASEES), AND DO HEREBY WAIVE any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, and suits in equity of whatever kind or nature, damages, losses and liability ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO ANY PERSONAL INJURY, DISABILITY OR DEATH I may suffer, or loss or damage to personal property, which may have arisen from ANY NEGLIGENCE WHATSOEVER ON THE PART OF RELEASEES, including guide error, whether before or after such incident unless a court of competent jurisdiction determines that Releasees have been grossly negligent or have intentionally committed willful misconduct. ___________
8. I herby declare that I am over eighteen years of age and that I have had ample and adequate opportunity to read this waiver and acknowledgement of risk agreement. I understand that by it’s terms and conditions I am giving up substantial legal rights should these activities result in injury or death and sign it freely and voluntarily. ____________
First Name:_________________ Last Name:____________________