I should know better, but every March a few days of mild weather makes me dream of the rapidly approaching summer season. Visions of warm days, bubbling streams, glass like alpine lakes and sunshine dance fill my thoughts. This latest storm quickly put a damper on those thoughts and a quick reset back to reality.
Last year at this time the lakes in Rocky where actually beginning to thaw and open up. Well, what a difference a year makes. I figured I’d take advantage of the winter like conditions and head up to Emerald Lake.
The area around Emerald Lake is a favorite of mine as stunted and twisted tree’s can be found around the lake. Snow and wind accompanied me on the hike up to Emerald. There would be no sunrise this morning, just clouds and blowing snow. In other words, a perfect spring day for a hike in the park.
I spent the morning photographing the stunted trees around Emerald Lake in the snow. It’s always a bit surreal walking around the frozen surface of a lake. It allows viewpoints and access one cant achieve when the lake is thawed but in the back of your mind your aware your standing in the middle of a frozen body of water.
The conditions were perfect for photographing the trees. The snow and blowing snow created a beautiful Hi-key affect that allowed endless compositions of my favorite subjects. So while I may have been bemoaning the weather the conditions allowed for a great few days of photography. I just enjoyed myself and the weather. Heck I’ll be shooting reflections of Hallet Peak in Emerald Lake in no time.